We're all troubled these days about bullying. Pictures on a school bus only inflame an issue that has always been with us.
I couldn't agree more that children need to be taught not to bully, and taught to stand up for the oppressed. But I can't help remembering that only the strong can afford to be compassionate. In their own undeveloped minds these children are fighting for their social standing. They are fighting to not be the chicken that gets pecked to death in the flock. They are picking on someone weaker then they are so that they themselves won't be seen as weak.
Along with teaching compassion we need to teach each child as many competencies as possible. Every child should be able to hold his or her head up and be able to be proud of something they can do. Every child needs to know that they are so special and strong that they don't need to step on someone else to make themselves taller.
The pecking order will always be with us. All any of these kids wants is to feel worthy. Can't we give them the skills that will assure them of that?
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