I have the great good fortune to live near a boatyard. Several of them actually. There is never a shortage of interesting things to see. There is never a shortage of questions to ask. I rarely take the time out of a man’s work day to interrupt him with questions. The internet is really helpful in helping me both formulate questions and discover answers.
So, let’s take a look at the great black blob in the photo below. It is a net. A very, very big net. Depending on the age and experience of the learner in question I can ask a hundred questions that are of genuine interest. What is it made of? How does it work? How is it rigged? How many fish can it catch? What sort of fish? What are the fish used for?
If the learner is not actually interested in any of these questions then maybe they have questions of their own that want to be answered. If they are just not interested in the net, move on. Not everybody is interested in everything. But when you get outside and learn to look with eyes of wonder there is almost always something worth asking questions about.
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